Friday, August 22, 2014

The Virgin Post

It's been a long time since I've done this.  I used to be obsessed with blogging - before I became a mama.  I never thought I would have taken a break, but as they say, "life happens".  You make a plan and life comes along and says "uh, don't think so".  Now that my little one is 4, I figure it's time to get back to it.  My previous blog was titled musings and observations - or something like that.  Apparently i didn't get the "you lose brain cells every time your child keeps you up at night, throws food at you, talks back at you or simply just wants your attention NOW" memo.  Anyway, I'm hoping my fellow blogger and dear friend piglipstick, who has since passed on from this reality, will be around me now and then as I post.  I know he would smile seeing me back in the trenches again.

Today my focus is on clothes.  Tons of clothes.  I took my child to a local clothing giveaway and was overwhelmed at the amount of clothes on hand this church had.  And while I am not a shopper, I love getting new clothes.  My little girl is also showing signs of being a clothes hound as well as a voracious shopper.  So while I was picking out clothes for her, she was picking out clothes of her own, stuffing them into my bag.  Thankfully, since I'm a mama, I have eyes not only in the back of my head but on the sides as well, I was able to spot those items that were obviously too small.  She seems to think her feet are still the size of a 6 month old instead of the size 9 she really is.  She also seems to find the strength of an army of elephants when it comes to carrying her clothing bag.  But when I ask her to hold mine for a moment - which had far fewer clothes - she suddenly develops a severe case of muscle atrophy.

The same philosophy also applies to the picking up of ones toys. 

Sigh...  I just read the above paragraphs and now I want to cry.  My focus is on clothes?  Me?  The former blogger, conspiracy theorist, revolutionary?  The nonconformist?  MY FOCUS IS ON CLOTHES???

What happened to me?  To my brain?

I'll tell you.

The same thing that happened to my boobs.


Ok, well husband is back here telling little one to pick up the clothes she just threw all over the floor while she's also announcing loudly "I HAVE TO GO POTTY" so my virgin post is going to get cut short.  Be prepared for those.  Frequently.  : )

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